Certifications and Online Courses

AWS - Solutions Architect Professional

This was certainly a very tough exam and lives up to its reputation. Studying for this exam have helped me greatly understand architecting solutions into AWS in depth. I had also done ton of labs and projects using different AWS services which really helped me out to have the required experience to beat this exam.

AWS - SysOps Administrator Associate

This was definitely a much needed certification. Really helped me to understand the day to day trouble shooting and system administration. The exam itself states that passing this exam a candidate has the experience and skills to contribute and ‘hit the ground running’ within a team supporting an AWS Cloud environment. Candidates who successfully achieve the credential should be able to quickly participate within an organization with an AWS footprint and perform job tasks expected of someone with one-to-two years of experience supporting a variety of computing workloads.

AWS - Solutions Architect Associate

This was one of my first major AWS certifications. This one really enabled to create well architected designs based on parameters like fault tolerance, high availability and lot of other factors.

AWS - Cloud Practitioner

This is a great supplement for my journey into Solutions Architect. This certification preparation has given me very high level picture of the AWS Infrastructure and AWS Recommended ways to lead projects. Overall, a great addition to start the AWS Journey.

Cloud Computing & Virtualization Specialist - IBM

This was a one hell of ride learning. It was a 4 year long specialization that was integrated along my Bachelor's. I have learnt in-depth knowledge of Virtualization techniques and Cloud computing concepts and assisting clients in Data Centre Administration. It gave me understanding of Cloud Reference Architecture of NIST, IBM, etc. & different Cloud Deployment Models like Private, Public and Hybrid along with IAAS, PAAS and SAAS delivery models. It also enabled me to gain expertise in setting up & administering Open Stack Private Cloud, Cloud Security & Management, & Cloud Backup & Disaster Recovery Procedures.

Product Management for Data Science and AI - 365 Data Science

I had been investing many hours on the fields intersecting between Data Science, AI and Project Management. This was an exemplary course and I have thoroughly enjoyed. It had helped me see a complete AI and Data Science Project from the eyes of Development and Management Team of any corporation. This course taught topics ranging on performing SWOT analysis for Business Strategy, Research Methods, Hypothesis testing, Business Proposal, how to source data for the Data Science Team, run down of a full life cycle of AI and Data Science Team, how to manage Data Science and AI Teams.This was an eye opening introduction on how traditional or even the newer agile concepts needs to be tweaked greatly for leading AI and Data Science Teams for the success of the projects.

The modules are honestly filled with powerful stories that are illustrative of typical challenges faced by front-line leaders. The course analyzed the case illustration using the ideas from emotional intelligence theory, and highlighting the key lessons that I took away in terms of mindsets and skills that I should master to distinguish yourself as a leader.A snapshot of the key competencies that I took away from this course: Change Management, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Competence

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence - Indian School of Business

The digital age is dramatically reshaping the rules for organizational success. The new context demands renewal of capabilities and development of different mindsets. In this course, I learnt the different components of emotional intelligence at work. This course had foundations on learning how one can work effectively in teams, build cooperative relationships with key stakeholders, exercise effective influence, handle difficult conversations, and create energy and enthusiasm to foster meaningful change.

Project Management Principles and Management - University of California Irvine

An amazing specialization consisting of 3 courses and a capstone project. I had learnt to create Project Charter, identifying Stakeholders, creating Communications Plans, creating RAID to find Risks and Mitigation, created Project Schedule using Microsoft Project and used RACI charts to assign responsibilities among the project team.

Data Engineering Nanodegree - Udacity

This was a really depth course that had helped me learn a lot about data warehousing concepts, dimensional modeling with Star and Snowflake Schema, concepts of Datalakes, Automated data pipelines, worked with tons of Big Data Tools like Cassandra, AWS Redshift, Airflow and interacted with lot of relational database management systems like MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Becoming Agile Project Manager - Linked Learning

This was a 12 hour learning path from LinkedIn and I had thoroughly enjoyed this long learning process. It consisted courses like: Agile Foundations, Waterfall to Agile, Building Agile Teams, Planning with Agile User Stories, Driving Productive Agile Meetings, Agile Retrospectives, Reporting with Agile Charts and Boards, Agile Tools and Agile Project Management using Microsoft Project.

Data Science Math Skills: Duke University

This course introduced me to the core math that data science is built upon, with no extra complexity, introducing unfamiliar ideas and math symbols one-at-a-time.Honestly, I wish I had taken this course before I dived into the world of Machine Learning. The course covered topics ranging Topics include: Set theory, Venn diagrams, Properties of the real number line, Interval notation and algebra with inequalities, Uses for summation and Sigma notation, Math on the Cartesian (x,y) plane, slope and distance formulas, Graphing and describing functions and their inverses on the x-y plane, The concept of instantaneous rate of change and tangent lines to a curve, Exponents, logarithms, and the natural log function and the most important parts of Probability theory including Bayes’ theorem.

Big Data on AWS: The Big Picture

This was a very introductory course where it mostly focuses on creating awareness of various AWS Big Data Related services. From running Distributed Systems over AWS, AWS EMR, AWS RedShift, Machine Learning to using AWS QuickSight to visualize the Big Data Platform.

Getting Started with AWS Machine Learning - Amazon

This course introduced me on the plethora of services that the AWS has for tackling Machine Learning related problems.

Introduction to Unified Data Analytics with Databricks - Databricks Training

I was fortunate to receive $1000 worth of Databricks training for free during the time of Covid 19 pandemic. Databricks is an amazing platform which takes Big Data Processing over the cloud. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about this platform.

SQL + Tableau + Python - 365 Data Science

This was one of the best hands-on course that I have taken for having a practical experience of a full Machine Learning project. I worked on Employee Absenteeism predictor where I had worked from Data Preprocessing, performing EDA, importing data from MySQL through Jupyter Notebooks and much more. Overall this was an amazing journey while interacting with various Machine Learning tools.

Being an Effective Team Member - LinkedIn Learning

I have always used LinkedIn Learning to help me build up on Soft Skills and Project Management. While applying to tons of internships during Summer 2020, I had seen so many applications looking for the attribute "Effective Team Player". I always thought that I am an effective team player but this course was quite an eye opener. It taught a lot about empathy and how to be positive in a team environment.

Big Data, Hadoop, Powershell -LinkedIn Learning

These are bunch of short courses that I have enjoyed thoroughly between assignments and UTD coursework.

How Google does Machine Learning, Launching into Machine Learning - Google

These are bunch of courses over Coursera that mainly introduced the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and how it can be leveraged to solve Machine Learning problems. There were various small projects which I had to complete using the GCP platform. I have honestly loved making a real time earthquake indicator on a real 3d Map of the Globe while the data was pulled live for every 25 minutes and plotted into the 3d Map.

Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis - Udemy

I have to be really honest, I didn't formal education in statistics in both my Bachelor's and Master's. Instead of creating roadblocks I have enjoyed a lot learning about statistics through books and online courses. This course in Udemy is probably one of the best stats course out there. So intuitive and really eye catching with lots of graphic and video animations to explain the concept.

Artificial Intelligence Masterclass - Udemy

This course was very elaborative in various Neural Network Techniques like: CNN, RNN, Auto Encoder, Deep Learning. It also had various hands on projects and was worth the bucks to get started into the world of Data Sceince.

Learn how to build an AI - Udemy

This was one of the best course coupled with the famous course of Dr. Andrew Ng on Machine Learning over Coursera. This was the course where I was first introduced about Q-Learning and the concepts of Reinforcement Learning. I found this research phase in ML the most interesting and fascinating.

Git and GitHub complete Masterclass - Udemy

This is an elaborative course and honestly I have forgotten a lot what I learnt from this course. Overall the concepts of HTTPS and SSH were super helpful and had helped quite a lot in preparing for even AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam preparation years later.

Google Data Studio and Google Analytics - Google

I had been seeing tons of people doing this course. I took over a weekend project to learn about the Google Analytics and Google Data Studio. Overall I was impressed on how important both these tools play which can act as catalysts to growth hacking of companies and brand awareness.

Build an AI Twitter Bot powered with IBM Watson - Udemy

Every start has some well scripted memory that one can never forget. This was my first MOOC course, I had lots of fun in starting my journey to explore knowledge through MOOCs. Tanmay Bakshi is an amazing instructor. At the time I had taken up this course, he was just 13 and yet revolutionizing the tech industry.